Metrology Partnership -
Fundamental Call 2023

Where to find selected Research Topics (SRTs)
SRT-v01 Reproducible testing of passive daytime radiative cooling technologies 150.05 KB
SRT-v02 Hybrid metrology for sustainable and low-carbon footprint battery materials 195.5 KB
SRT-v03 Metrology for coherent measurement of the variables of the seawater CO2 system in ocean observation 196.11 KB
SRT-v04 Metrology for efficient grid-forming converters to stabilise future power grids 154.74 KB
SRT-v05 Metrology support for carbon capture utilisation and storage 2 153.51 KB
SRT-v06 Metrology for reliable liquefied energy gases measurement 156.22 KB
SRT-v07 Metrology for comparable and trustworthy greenhouse gas remote sensing datasets 160.31 KB
SRT-v08 Supporting Euro 7 emission regulation by improved metrological traceability for key gaseous, particulate pollutants, and exhaust flow 162.17 KB
SRT-v09 Metrology to foster the transition to sustainable and low-emission transport 155.41 KB
SRT-v10 Metrological infrastructure for traceable electrical insulation testing for a reliable electricity grid 152.64 KB
SRT-v11 Earth observation metrology for net zero and climate 160.66 KB
SRT-v12 Metrology for environmental thermodynamics 162.5 KB
SRT-v13 Metrology for hydrogen vehicles 3 157.75 KB
SRT-v14 Metrology for light pollution 150.18 KB
SRT-v15 Metrology to support zero pollution from industrial emissions 157.33 KB
SRT-v16 Metrology to support ammonia use in emerging applications 155.77 KB
SRT-v17 Metrology for harmonisation of field isotope ratio measurements 158.12 KB
SRT-v18 Metrology supporting large-scale deployment of efficient and resilient photovoltaic systems 154.41 KB
SRT-v19 Metrology for smart metering in gas networks 159.27 KB
SRT-v20 Metrology for soil moisture - from ground reference sites towards coherent and traceable global data products 153.47 KB
SRT-v23 Metrology for performance characterisation of low-cost sensor networks 154.03 KB

Call for proposals (Stage 2)

Opening Date: 23 June 2023
Closing Date: 2 October 2023 (23:59 CEST)

EURAMET e.V. invites consortia to submit joint research proposals against selected research topics (SRTs).

Partnering meetings serve as a platform to build consortia for addressing a particular SRT. In association with these meetings, training for potential coordinators is also provided.

How to submit a proposal

Submit a proposal

To submit a proposal please upload one zip file, no more than 6MB, by the deadline of 02 October 2023 23:59 CEST, containing the following documents:
- Template 4: JRP protocol (as .docx file)
- Template 5: Project Administrative Data (as .xlsx file)
- Form 4a: Ethics issues self-assessment form (as .xlsx file)
- Annex to Form 4a (as .docx file) if required due to answers in Form 4a
- Letters of support (collated together as a single unsecured .pdf file), optional

Stage 1 Call 2023 - archived

Opening Date: 11 Jan 2023
Closing Date: 20 Feb 2023 - 23:59 CET

EURAMET e.V. invite interested parties to submit Potential Research Topics (PRTs) in line with our Call Scope. 

The Call for needs (Stage 1) offers the chance for all stakeholders from any country to influence the research projects undertaken by the European metrology community by identifying the challenge, problem or opportunity for potential research topics (PRT). 

The outcome of the Call for Needs will serve as a basis for a Stage 2 Partnership call later in 2023 for joint research proposals.